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Mikrofon z AudioTransducers

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    Zamieszczone przez ir0nhide Zobacz posta
    ... dlaczego akurat z c-s chcecie zamawiać ?
    w crosspectrum płacisz więcej, bo wykonują dokładną kalibrację, pomiar czułości, szumu własnego, charakterystyki kierunkowe... jak uda mi sie wrzucic do SW plik kalibracyjny który pobrac mozna ze strony daytona to porównam z tym z crosspectrum

    We provide the following value-added services over the stock Dayton EMM-6 microphones:

    The calibration curve provided by Dayton is in the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. We provide calibration files (.FRD format) on a USB thumbdrive for use in many popular audio measurement programs. Additionally, our cal files range from 5 Hz to 25 kHz to encompass the low bass and high treble regions that many audiophiles, professionals and home theater aficionados require.

    Our own microphone measurements indicate that the data sheets included with the mics may not be representative of the EMM-6's individual performance. As shown in the second link, our measurement methodology compares favorably with the results generated by a NVLAP NIST-traceable laboratory so you can be confident that your data are reliable.
    As with our calibrated ECM8000 microphones, each EMM-6 microphone is calibrated against an ANSI-certified reference microphone. Each microphone will be shipped with the following:

    Dayton Audio EMM-6 microphone with windscreen, case, and microphone clip
    Microphone characterization report ( "Basic+" sample/ "Premium+" sample) with individually measured on-axis (0°) frequency response
    "Premium" calibrated microphones will also include polar response, sensitivity, and noise floor
    "Basic-Plus" and "Premium-Plus" microphones include frequency response curves at 45° and 90° angles of incidence
    USB thumbdrive with frequency response data (.FRD format) and polar response data (Excel and .CSV formats, "Premium" calibrated microphones only)
    Prices start at $75 plus shipping for "Basic+" calibrated microphones.


      Mam pytanie do tych, którzy kupili swoje mikrofony wraz z plikami kalibracyjnymi: jakie dane zawiera Wasz plik? Czy tylko jest to korekcja SPL w funkcji czestotliwości, czy może są również dane korygujące fazę?

