PM, tenże sam Toels Graevesen w tym samym tekście, lecz kawałeczek dalej jasno wskazuje, co takiego mają magicznego te ALNICO. Jasno wskazuje, że cała ta magia w sile napędu, więc nie rodzaj magnesu, lecz jego siła i dopiero ten czynnik czyni cuda...
"Somewhere I said we cannot accelerate heavy cones as fast as a light-weight e.g. paper cone and I immediately had a mail from an engineer who told me I was seriously wrong - and he was right. Acceleration has nothing to do with mass, only force. Problem is we don't have magnet systems that will accelerate a 200 grams subwoofer cone and kick butt like an old 15" ALTEC driver in a 200 litre vented cabinet."
Co do tego, czy współczesny magnes neodymowy istotnie nie jest w stanie tego dokonać, nie wiem, choć niby czemu nie?
"Somewhere I said we cannot accelerate heavy cones as fast as a light-weight e.g. paper cone and I immediately had a mail from an engineer who told me I was seriously wrong - and he was right. Acceleration has nothing to do with mass, only force. Problem is we don't have magnet systems that will accelerate a 200 grams subwoofer cone and kick butt like an old 15" ALTEC driver in a 200 litre vented cabinet."
Co do tego, czy współczesny magnes neodymowy istotnie nie jest w stanie tego dokonać, nie wiem, choć niby czemu nie?